A row of orange pumpkin looking squash in a line against a wooden wall.

The Easiest Way to Grow Squash 

Squash is one of those vegetables that is very easy to grow and one of my favorites! For the most part, growing squash can be very hands-off if done the proper way. Follow my guide, and you will learn how to sit back and watch your squash seeds grow into squash plants that flourish. Types … Read more

A bowl of yellow colored tomato soup and a plate of a grilled cheese sandwich.

Introduction This fresh tomato soup recipe blender can be made with either roasted fresh tomatoes or canned tomato paste. It has just 5 simple ingredients and has a subtly sweet and creamy flavor. It can be made from start to finish in less than an hour, but tastes like it simmered all day. I won’t … Read more

A stainless steel bucket with red tomatoes, one yellow tomato, and one green bell pepper.

Tomatoes are a garden vegetable that is very sensitive to the cold. Therefore, growing tomatoes in cooler climates can be a little more tricky than growing them in warmer climates. With 20 years of gardening experience in British Columbia in USDA Garden Zone 3, I have learned some tricks to grow tomatoes in cooler temperatures. … Read

I don’t know about you, but garlic is one of the vegetables that we use ALL of the time! Garlic has become a staple in my garden and I hope this article will make it a staple in yours as well. I am going to be sharing with you the best garlic growing tips from … Read more